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alessandra giura longo



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The desire to expand her own possibilities of expression and musical communication have led AGL to unite with her activities as an interpreter with that of improviser on flutes and voice. Since 1997, she has widely collaborated with various figures: Eduardo Sérgio in the Rubbatto-Mobile-Ensemble and in the duo Giro-Pirouette, with whom she has created diverse spectacles of improvised – and at times, theatrical – music, twice participating in the “Tournoi de Musique Improvvisée” in Poitiers (France); the Moex Ensemble in Sardinia; Ana Paula Andrade, Jõao Luis Macedo, Antonella Piccenna, Paolo Fresu, Alessandro Olla, Gianna De Toni, Silvia Corda, Jean-Marc Montera and the Medi-Trio.

A particularly felicitous encounter was with Giovanna La Maestra, Angelo Tripodo and the ensemble Suono&Ritmo of Messina (with musicians with disabilities), of the cultural associations La Ragnatela and Il Cantiere dell’InCanto (of which AGL is a founding member). Since 2003 she has been a regular collaborator, and was invited together with Paolo Fresu to record the sound track to Santi Minasi’s medium-length film Trilogia del bosco (Primavera).

AGL has also participated in numerous spectacles of theater and/or dance with improvised music and film: MurmúRio, created together with Eduardo Sérgio and Alessandro Olla as artists in residence at the Oficinas do Convento, Montemor-O-Novo (Portugal, 2010); In un’aria diversa with the pianist Silvia Corda and the dancer Carla Onni, produced by ImprovvisaMente and T-OFF Tersicorea (Cagliari, 2011); Six memos by Daniele Ledda (film produced by Ticonzero, Cagliari, 2009).